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Apply these 7 Tips in Coping Up with Work-From-Home Stress

Since the dawn of the pandemic, companies and businesses all over the world have resorted to working from home which is a dynamic of work that leaves a very appealing effect to most workers, if not all. What with the convenience of not having to wash and wear daily uniforms or any dress code, no strict office supervision, no traffic-jammed or polluted commute time and on top of it all, having the edge of flexible working hours- remote work truly deserves some good words.

On the other hand, while working from home poses a lot of advantages, it also presents crucial challenges to workers. Research shows a significant level of stress from those who work from home.

Following healthy tips or steps to combat the challenges brought about by remote work among employees is indeed the best solution to prevent the disadvantages of remote work stress.

Create an Efficient Routine

Do something that kicks off your day which may include exercising or taking a short walk outside before you start your work, stretching or relaxing or even sipping a cup of tea/coffee to start off the day. Then end your day with a mark by putting your work away, stretching or taking a breather outside, and/or taking a power nap. And don’t forget to Take a time off outdoor!

Create a Facilitative Working Space

It may be tempting to lay in bed or on the couch but if you just create a workspace that is conducive for working, you can now truly focus on your job. You will have a great mental shift from your home life to work life when you provide a specific work and home boundaries.

Lessen your Source of Distractions

Make sure to turn your phone into “silent mode” and turn off any computer notifications that are not related to your job. Also consider listening to relaxing music while at work or using noise cancelling headphones for a better working environment.

Reconnect with Your Loved Ones

If you feel burnt out from remote work, you might as well take a time off to reconnect with friends and/or family. Since everybody has varying schedules, you may set up a time to talk with your loved ones through chat, video call, phone call, or text and add it to your calendar for reminder. Having a group chat with friends or family also greatly helps to keep updated with what is up with them on a weekly basis per se.

Give Yourself Some Reward

It would not hurt to take a well-deserved break when work is done. While you can also Jot down some positive affirmations for yourself. Also allow yourself to perform stretching or any relaxing exercises. And eat delicious yet healthy snacks to boost up your mood.

Remember to Protect Your Sleep Cycle

When you acquire quality sleep at night, it positively affects your overall well-being, including your ability to work remotely efficiently. It may be tempting to do so but having a generous amount of screen time at night can change your sleeping cycle negatively, making it hard for you to fall asleep in the process.

Always Practice Self-Care

Exercising regularly is said to be one of the most effective way of taking care of oneself. So is allotting some time to meditate every day, most especially when you’re stressed. You can also read a good book during your down time. This may vary depending on what makes you happy. The important thing is that you take care of yourself.

Although remote work provides freedom of choice, time flexibility and utmost convenience, there are still current stressors at hand that need to be addressed. By realizing what best you can do to prevent or lessen the stress and actually applying it to reality, you can assure a healthier work and home life balance and overall well-being.

But the best way to reduce your stress is to get a helping hand in the person of a TNC Virtual Assistant! Get peace of mind, save time, decrease expenses and increase profit. Focus on the big picture and let a virtual assistant take care of everything else.

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