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How Semiconductors Changed the World

The technological innovations of humans have helped people in both ancient and modern times. Our own inventions and engineering applications have continued to change the world in many ways imaginable and some people aren’t even aware that technology is helping them. Even simple inventions such as the wheel and fixed axle has greatly improved humans’ lives in the past. It helped them move heavy objects with ease instead of carrying it. In the modern era, the technologies we use are substantial in assisting people’s work, travel, and even in their comfort.

How are these made possible? Semiconductors.

What are Semiconductors?

A conductor is an object or material that conducts electricity, and an object or material that does not conduct electricity is a called an insulator. Semiconductors are objects or materials that possess properties between the two. It is the brains and the building blocks of basic computation. Semiconductors are composed of transistors, resistors, condensers, etc. And the technology we use today are testaments of how we have progressed in using this piece of human innovation.

Before Silicon-based semiconductors were used by US scientists in 1947, the mechanics of computing were performed by vacuum tubes. These vacuum tubes were sluggish, bulky, and consumed high amounts of electricity. They required a lot of manpower to use a computer back then.  The Silicon element is also very abundant on Earth, in fact, it is the second most found element next to Oxygen. One of the reasons why many devices and machines are produced annually is because of how easy it is to find the material to create semiconductors.

Moore’s Law is based on Moore’s intuition that the number of transistors on a semiconductor or microchip will double every two years, while the cost will be halved. This law has been correct until recently when attempts to shrink transistors any smaller will defy the limits of physics. Early transistors can be seen with the naked eye. Now, billions of transistors are comprised inside a microchip and we are unable to see them without using a device. This shows how we have progressed technologically.

How It Helped Us

Long distance communication in the past was very hard to accomplish. You would have to call an operator and make them connect calls by inserting the right plugs in the right sockets. Now, a smartphone can do all sorts of things. Communication, setting your tasks, alarms, accessing information, etc. It can even fit in the palm of your hand!

Modern technology supplies us with amazing resources that gives us much more advantages than the people in the past. It has certainly changed our lives for the better. Technology has made it easier to communicate, more convenient to travel, provide comfort, and many other things.

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